Belgian IPA
Immram is the name given to stories in Irish mythology that deal with travel. This beer is all about journeys. Firstly, arduous trips from Great Britain to India, for the advent of the IPA. It also has roots with the Belgian Trappist Monks. They cultivated a distinctive yeast strain that delivers additional fruit and bubblegum flavours, complementing the super-fruity American hops. And finally, it’s brewed in the rugged West of Ireland. Enjoy the journey!
We’ve taken our flagship Irish IPA and fermented it with a very special strain of Belgian yeast. The result is a big tropical fruit bomb with a refreshing hint of bubblegum and spice, and a citrus bitter finish.
Tasting Notes
The flavour is a balance of spice from the trappist yeast and fruit from the American hops. The aroma is dominated by the spicy yeast hints of bubblegum and pepper. A big malty body is balanced with plenty of citrusy hops.